
Tips for Tennis in the Summer Heat

A message from (7/1):

With the major weekend heat and storms knocking out power throughout the area, I just wanted to say that we are so very grateful to all the men and women who have served this country as we approach our nation's Independence Day. It is definitely a good time to hang out at a mall or pool to keep cool and off the roads.

I hope everyone has a terrific 4th of July in the USA and can enjoy a cool holiday.

- JC

Here are some of my tennis tips for surviving the hot, humid conditions this summer:

  • Get up early - I love to practice and play just after sunrise (6-9AM is coolest) 
  • Try to find courts with a bit of shade (even if it is just nearby, it will help a lot)
  • Use an ice bag and have an insulated bag and/or cooler on changeovers
  • Drink lots of water and a sports drink
  • Do not over push yourself and know when to take a break
  • If the air quality is Code Red in your area, do not play - if you're not a pro, it's not worth it.