Doubles Tennis Handbook

Updated 2020:

FYB (Fuzzy Yellow Balls) is out once again with another helpful video program for Doubles players.
Will Hamilton (FYB) teams up with Martina Navratilova to come up with a course to help average doubles players become better prepared with set plays they can run in case your "Plan A" does not work.

Singles Handbook

The Singles Handbook was one I purchased before and covers basics that most 3.5 players and below should learn in order to advance. The trademark theme is a lot of chalk talk with colored magnets on a whiteboard. There is a lot of explanation good for an auditory-based learner.

Sample Doubles Video for "I" Formation

This video series offers some useful tips for the rec player looking to incorporate the "I" formation into their game in this sample video below. In the past, FYB has also provided useful training videos like the Bryan Bros Playbook.

FYB vs TopCourt

FYB has been around almost 10 years, one of the original online training programs. Now they have added a take-home bound playbook to help illustrate the examples.

For a more modern "Netflix / MasterClass" streaming approach, try TopCourt for 14-days absolutely free.

Our free review of this Summer 2020 launch here:

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