Product Review: Foam Rollers for Myofascial Release and Massaging Tight Muscles

Sore Muscles after workout?
If you are exercising or playing tennis several times a week for over an hour, many times you'll have tight muscles and/or soreness (calves, quads, back are common areas).  With a foam roller, right after a workout while your muscles are still warm, simply use your own body weight to facilitate what is called "Myofascia Release" or loosen the soft tissue that have gotten sore or stiff.

The $25 Solution
With this simple foam roller - it's small, light and looks so simple but yet so effective for less than $25!  It only takes about 10-15 minutes after a workout to help you recover.  I bought this model (but any other foam roller will also work): PB Elite Molded Foam Roller 3' Long, 6" Round (Most Popular Size).

This particular model is designed to last a long time and has gotten good reviews.  Plus it comes with an illustrated cheat-sheet on the various techniques you can use with it as well.

Foam Roller Benefits
I just recently discovered this amazing new product that helped me so much after a long workout session.  It offers most of the same benefits as a Sports Massage but in the convenience of your own home.  Most massages will cost $40-50 per session and you usually have to schedule an appointment ahead of time.

Check out this website for a great overview on how to use the roller and its health benefits:

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