About Us

"Save money, Keep Fit, and Play more tennis!"

Everyone wants to save a little extra in days like these, so here is a tennis site that helps you do that.
About Tennis Bargains - Podcast Interview

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 that you'd like me to spread with fellow tennis players.

Keep Tennis fun and affordable for all: kids and adults, from the local parks to the US Open!!

I'd love to hear back from you. Let me know which coupons have helped you the most and would like more. I also appreciate comments and helpful edits made by the talk-tennis community forums.

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Check out
 www.JCtennis.com for my tennis blog and travels.

I have gotten some really positive feedback from several subscribers already who really make this site worth keeping up-to-date every day. I appreciate all my tennis friends and supporters out there, all contributing to the growing tennis audience we get each week.

- JC

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